The Legend of Beijing Bell Tower,Ancient women used their lives to cast bells.

 The Legend of Beijing Bell Tower

Legend has it that the bell tower in Beijing had an iron bell, but the sound was not loud enough, so the emperor ordered the world's craftsmen to cast the bell. But 3 years passed, but the bronze bell still could not be cast. The emperor became angry and ordered to cast the bell within 80 days, otherwise all the craftsmen would be executed.

The master in charge of casting the bell named Huayan, was a famous coppersmith at that time. ​In order to cast the bell, he was tea and rice, sleepless nights, exhausted. This day back home, his mouth still chanting: "What reason can not cast the bell? I'm afraid there is something missing!" At this time, his daughter Hua Xian came over. She was not only smart and clever since childhood, but also learned a lot of coppersmithing work from her father. At that time she was 16 years old, and she looked like a fairy, and everyone praised the old coppersmith for raising a good daughter.

She had been thinking about casting bells for many days, and when she saw her father worried, she went up to him and said, "Father, is it because the fire is not ready?" The old coppersmith said, "That makes sense! However, how to raise the furnace temperature?" "I have an idea." Hua Xian said, "You can take me there on the day the bell is cast."

The day of the bell casting arrived, the court officials and artisans of all sizes arrived, but the furnace temperature still could not go up. Seeing that the last furnace of copper was going to fail again, Hua Yan was so anxious that his eyes were red. At that moment, a girl suddenly dashed out from the crowd, it is the beautiful Hua Xian. She wore a red jacket and red pants, with a pair of embroidered red shoes. She rushed to the edge of the furnace, jumped into the furnace. Hua Yan missed a hand, but only grabbed a small embroidered shoes. In an instant, the furnace fire rose, copper water tumbling. The old coppersmith ordered with pain: "Cast the bell!" The craftsmen worked together, and the bell was finally cast.

In order to commemorate the beautiful girl who gave her life to cast the bell, people respectfully call her "Casting Bell Lady". Every night of the storm, the bell sound bleak and sad.


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